We spend an awful lot of time searching for the perfect pair of frames, the most comfortable contact lenses, or the latest and greatest sunnies; but when it comes down to it when doing we really think about the health of our eyes?
Many of our patients come in when they’ve had an eye infection, encountered a problem, or have started to experience eye strain.
“What do blurred vision, eyestrain, eye fatigue, itchy or burning eyes, headaches, and seeing double have in common? They’re all symptoms of digital eye strain, and if you’re a frequent user of digital devices, you’re at risk.” – Ontario Optometrists 2016.
I’m sitting here in Eyemaxx, typing away at this screen, and the more I read about eye strain, the more conscious I am of my own discomfort! I probably haven’t blinked very frequently, and I’m suddenly aware that I’m squinting!
Are your eyes groaning too? Try…
1. Getting a comprehensive eye exam:
Even if you don’t feel that your prescription has changed, your eye muscles may be working overtime to compensate for your eye strain. During your eye exam, your optometrist will assess your eyes based on your daily activities—which, let’s face it, probably include more than a few hours a day in front of Netflix.

2. Checking out your computer display settings:
I often find myself squinting at my iPhone in the dark late at night, only to realize that I can still see clearly and without strain when my backlight is at the lowest level. The same goes for daytime computer use. See if you can get accustomed to a lower backlight, your eyes will thank you!

3. Giving those poor eyes a break!:
Trouble focusing? Try the 20-20-20 rule. You can set a timer on your desktop or cellphone if it helps. Every 20 minutes look away from your screen, find an object to focus on for 20 seconds that’s about 20 feet away from you (and isn’t a screen!). During these breaks, try to blink more than you normally would! Blinking is your body’s way of rehydrating your eyes.

4. Considering computer-specific glasses:
Your local optical studio (that’s us!) can help you decide on the perfect pair of glasses for your specific needs. Oftentimes, that means exploring different coatings and lens designs that focus on blocking out harmful blue light and reducing eye strain. Sometimes our customers are happiest having a few pairs of task-specific glasses to tackle their daily agenda, but we know that’s not possible with every budget! Sometimes adding on a computer coating can solve the problem for less.
We’ll be seeing you!
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