Spring changes at Eyemaxx!

Spring changes at Eyemaxx!

It’s been a while since our last post! Let me catch you up on what’s been going on at Eyemaxx! We call her our fearless leader, our contact lens expert, and of course, our optician. December 2008 Dawn opened our doors, and with them...

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DICK MOBY – Sustainable Eyewear

DICK MOBY – Sustainable Eyewear

We’re always thrilled when a new company comes along and creates something new and exciting, something we’ve never seen before (!!!) One of our favourite sales reps stopped by to say “hi” last month, and before we knew it we were head...

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The Aviator: Yes, you can.

The Aviator: Yes, you can.

Aviators are quite possibly the most sought after sunglasses since…well, ever.  People still refer to them as “pilot’s glasses,” because they were popularized by hot pilots in the 1930s like Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can. Originally...

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