Contact Lens Recycling in Ottawa!

Contact lenses – you wear them almost every day, restock at least twice a year,  but have you ever thought about what happens to your contacts when you are done with them? Most people aren’t aware that they are actually recyclable!


If you put your used contacts and blister packs in your municipal recycling bin, they most likely end up in landfills as the cost of recycling such a small product is too high for most municipalities. Approximately 290+ million contact lenses end up in Canadian landfills or waterways, creating microplastics that can harm our wildlife. (Bausch and Lomb)

Eyemaxx Optical Studio is very excited to be partnering with Bausch and Lomb and Terracycle to bring you the “Every Contact Counts” initiative – making it easier than ever before for you to dispose of your contacts while reducing waste. Eyemaxx is one of the few places in Ottawa that currently offer this program.

Regardless of the brand you wear or where you got them from, we will take your contacts! The best part? The program is completely free to participate in. 

How does it work?
  1. Collect your used contact lenses and blister packs in your own bag, or stop by our store to pick up a recyclable bag from Bausch and Lomb
  2. When your bag is full, seal the bag and stop by our store to drop them off!
  3. Restock your contact lens supply, grab another recyclable bag, and start over again!
 Contact Lens

It’s really that simple. Our staff at Eyemaxx packages everything up and sends it off to the recycling centre.

Is there anything we can’t recycle?
  1. The cardboard boxes that your contacts come in- these are still recyclable, but can be added to your regular recycling
  2. The solution-please drain all your contact packs before you bring them in!
What happens next?

The contacts either get recycled, or reused and repurposed by terracycle to create new eco-friendly products. To date, Bausch + Lomb ONE by ONE Recycling Program, has recycled nearly 2.5 million used contact lenses, blister packs and top foils since the program launched in November 2016, diverting more than 14,000 pounds of waste from landfills. (Bausch and Lomb)

What are you waiting for? Come recycle your contact lenses with us today!

Until next time!


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